This is actually from last year (LCA in Tasmania), but Oscar, who took the picture, was diving around the world for many months and only made the pictures he took available to me the other day. I thought I had a good life, but Oscar and Annemarie clearly has this whole life thing figured out.
Those weedy sea-dragons are pretty cool. And they weren't the only cool thing there, if you get my meaning. Brrr. I prefer warm water diving.
Awesome !!
Beautiful! How deep were you diving?
This can't be real!? That sea-dragon looks like a Cartoon Network character!
probably a hard time grinning down there. whole life may still be inside everyone of us (they say :)
Is this a real living creature?!?!
You are looking like John Travolta in this pic!
Those sea dragons were featured on one of the most recent BBC "Life" programs. Apparently it's one of the only species where the male animal carried the eggs around until they hatched. Interesting show. :)
See any demons, I mean devils down there?
Maybe you can dive in Bunaken, Indonesia. It has very warm water there :D
Will it be the 2.6.34 mascot ? ;-)
This can't be real!? That sea-dragon looks like a Cartoon Network character!
great shot - very impressive !
Looks like you had a drysuit at least!
and I was thinking such creatures exists only in Pandora!
Sorry for a personal comment but I can't help it! - You may dive in Sipoo and you may dive in Inkoo but have you ever had a thought about a permanent life in Tasmania. It is a good way of life.
Oh, that's great!
Hola Linus, excelente foto. Saludos desde Venezuela.
Dear Mr Torvalds,
I'm from Universiti Malaysia Perlis http://www.unimap.edu.my/. We are would like to award you with Honorary Doctorate in Engineering. Can you please contact me at badli@unimap.edu.my. TQ
I'm a French journalist and I have a few questions for you. I couldn't find your email. Please, can you contact me at : nbe@milan.fr
Best Regards
You prefer warmer climates for diving? And chose the penguin as the logo for the OS you developed?
nice man im ur Follower
Next year in Antarctica!
it's just looks like a __penguin_
Linus, I thought you might be interested in reading this story, if you hadn't already.
North Korea’s “secret cyber-weapon”: brand new Red Star OS
"Not only does North Korea have “its own Internet” – a national information network independent from the US-based Internet regulator – it also has an operating system, developed under by order of Kim Jong-il."
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