Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 things about me

1. I get bored really easily


The Cheap-Arse Film Critic said...

I wish I'd thought of this...

sauron said...

2..25: idem.

Aaron Davies said...


Dada Krpasundarananda said...

mmm, I didn't even get that far...

Lynne said...

Now that was

Sal Coraccio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the-madbrain said...

lol? =) greetings from germany ;-)

Todd said...

Is this the start of a 25 day, 1 a day posting? :-P

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh! LOL!

To that who do not understand: it is a thing in itself.
A kind of recursive joke.

Juan Pablo Angamarca said...

@TJ: No. He said that he gets bored really easily... then he started listing 25 things about him and got bored after the first one... good joke, Linus. Greetings from Ecuador.

Victoria Thorne said...



Ribhi Kamal said...


For a second I thought something was wrong with Firefox.

d3fault said...

reminds me of an old maddox article

Erbo said...

On behalf of everyone else in the universe who is sick and tired of this silly-ass meme...well done!

Anonymous said...


M. Shuaib Khan said...

Does this blog really belong To Linus Torvalds, or are we having yet another fake blogger? :D

!Teq-uila Del Zapata said...

that's it?

Marcello said...

As hackers usually do.

nh2 said...

to Shuaib: the answer is here

Anonymous said...

Me too ;)

Danny said...


Anonymous said...

For this i have to kick your a**...
(Don't worry, i'm joking)

milkandoj said...

id ego(id* superego){
if (superego < interesting)
return comment;
return time;

id feed(ego(id* comment)){
if (comment < interesting)
return feed(ego(comments);
return troll;

id Linus = feed(ego(comments));

Sean said...

Touche sir, touche.

Unknown said...

Perfect. I'm not planning on doing this meme (I was tagged on facebook).

Brilliant. I wish I'd have thought of it.


Jeronimo Zucco said...


Dx said...

hahaha genial

Andrea Giammarchi said...


pcleddy said...

amen, brother!

i just turned 41, and realized this about myself this year. answer to all my problems...EVER!

someone who can read wikipedia until the sun comes up, and then still has to make themselves stop, has serious issues with normal family member holiday gatherings, for example. not to mention relationships with normal people that just want to waste time watching the latest popular movies every evening

when will my geek grrl arrive? (probably never)

meanwhile, back to wikipedia...

vebov said...

Get the word fish..;-)

Unknown said...

"I get bored really easily".length() = 25 (?)

Ionut said...

even though it's funny, it is disappointing! i really hoped to find out a few things about Linus... (talking ABOUT Linus instead of talking TO Linus because he won't read this comment anyway!)

Anonymous said...

if u count the chars in this sentence, it's 25 character :P

maybe that's the 25 things lol

gonden said...

Perkele va kul! Heja Finland!

Zibri said...

Same here...
The americans have a name also for that:

But every clever and smart person I know of has this "sindrome".
Me included.

Unknown said...

My sentiments exactly!

Anonymous said...

Just perfect, full ACK.

David said...

When I get bored, I just grab a Slackware install disk, intall it, config it, and compile some software and make a special kernel and, you know, do the Geek thing.

Anonymous said...


Elena Lee Twist said...

Nice! I'm working on my own list now.

steven said...

it's as cool as those on my blog :-)

Ecossius said...

Bored... It' time to read philosophers, Heraclius for identity, Democritus for the kernel ;)

Unknown said...

Idem, can't do the same thing for much time... except programming and playing my guitar btw

Greetings from Italy!

JaY said...

Linus is out of stuff to say...

Mari said...

Best list I've ever seen

Manuel Jiménez said...

Hehehehe, of course. Very funny! Hehehehe... xD

Spike said...

ke denso... xD aca el master se aburre rapido... como cres, eso dejalo para uno aca en mexico city, si te aburres de ver pasar el metro xD salu2

Anonymous said...

Now you're a real blogger, Godfather..! :)

Unknown said...

as they say, there are only 3 types of programmers - those who can count, and those who cannot.

Mario Viviani said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder you have the patience to write code. All I can do is half a line at a time.

Greetings from India :)

crosvera said...

hehe, me too =)

Dave Curtis said...

Nice post, but a bit wordy. :)

sam said...

Linus is a respected master.
Whenever I run my GNU-Linux station,
I can't spend a single moment without appreciating the effort of thousands hackers all around !

Unknown said...

I agree with the maddox post above... Great idea, though. Made me laugh.

Adlair Cerecedo said...

You never will read this comment... you're bored. :(

Kelly said...

I relate to this. Its hard to keep my attenti

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Linus is bored for write this entry :0...

jgm said...

that was great - ha!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Took me a while to get it!

Quite funny.

麥爾 said...


Marcelo C. Rodríguez said...

Que grande Linus!!! Gracias por todo lo que hacés por la comunidad y la humanidad. Un abrazo desde Argentina y a ver cuando venís de de visita por acá.

Saludos desde Rosario - Santa Fe - Argentina.

Tolga BALCI said...

That's very funny for a person who went through writing an operating system kernel.

But that was really great.

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