He was 17+ years old, and his kidneys were failing. He often woke us up (and probably the neighbours too) by being fairly loud about something in the night. But he was a good cat, and I'm surprised at how sad this post made me.
Eventually this might even contain some Torvalds family pictures.
We had a Persian cat, that looked just like your cat above.
Our cat had perfect silky white fur with one eye being red and the other blue.
Young and healthy, she never came home one day.
I think someone say the cats value and stole her to then sell her.
Your cat must have decided to take a walk, one day, to die in the woods on a last hunt, like any dignified cat would do.
Sorry for your loss.
He went to die in nature to let you all the best souvenirs. Cuddles to all the family from my dog Poutou. Reine.
It's the hardest thing in the world, losing a loved animal.
Deepest sympathies. :(
We lost Merlin, our handsome black cat, earlier this year after five years of various (3x weekly) veterinary treatments, and medicine twice daily. He didn't make it to 17, but he was my wife's first cat and thus had a special place in our hearts.
My sympathies.
I'm sorry to hear that -- I remember meeting him. He made a huge impression on me.
We lost Pingo, a high-energy and playful poodle. We took him to the veterinarian to treat his teeth, the doctor gave him too much anhestesics. We didn't get any photo with Pingo when he was alive.
Sometimes I'd like to believe that there's an afterlife for humans and other animals as well.
If you keep your heart and mind open they return. Perhaps not in precisely the same package or with the exact same set of quirks as before but the undeniable essence is there. I have seen it several times with cats I have known and had affection for.
They come back.
They just show back up on your doorstep one day in a different body.
Hi Linus,
When our pet rabbit passed away, I was beside myself with sorrow. I know that there is little that any of us can do to console you. All I can say is that I feel your pain, and I hope you feel better soon.
Christian Einfeldt
PS, I'm the guy who met you with Maddog at the airport when you were inducted as a fellow at the museum last month. It was really nice to meet you. Again, I am sorry for your loss.
c u
My sympathies, Linus.
Thinking about what would happen if I came home one day and my cat wasn't there to greet me, I suddenly became very sad myself.
Long live Mithrandir :-)
I'm sorry to hear about Mithrandir. I know what it's like to lose a kitty.
It is always hard to lose an animal. We have a three year old cat, so he will stick around for some time i hope! The cats my mom has, are a bit older. I have been living with those fellas for several years and whenever i see them now, it sometimes worries me that their end is getting closer everyday. I hope they will be around for years tough!
Sorry for you loss man!
I'm sorry about Randi.
You should realize, however, that if person in your position makes these kind of weird non-assembler posts, millions of people will go looking for hidden messages. Wooo, wake up at night? Yet another scheduler rewrite coming up? Wtf, two year-old memory locations brought to processing - LRU algorithm fail?
And before you can say katt, Slashdot will yell "Linus says cat is dead, everybody use less!"
No surprise a gone beloved kitten makes you sad...
He made *me* sad as well...
Too many times pets are better than humans.
Hi Linus
My Cat "Ripley" died 3 Months ago... It was a Birman and it was 13.
I lived with me for the most part of my life, when I graduate, when my dad died, when i got Married... it took an i important place im my lif.. SO I understand YOU
Davvero un bel blog, complimenti!
Questo è il mio:
Ti aspetto con i commenti!
Dear Linus,
I can understand you totally.
My first dog was 'older' than me.
She passed away when I was 14 and it was like loosing a sister.
Then another one passed away at on 10 years of age (a few years ago).
Now I have another obviously.. who's healthy, cute and beloved like all my past dogs.
A thought from me to you and your cat.
I had an all white kitty too (a deaf one none the less). He also recently passed away. So sad...
Great, now I'm in a sad mood too. :P
tasted like chicken
amazing the effect animals have on us.
I am very sorry to hear about your cat dying. I know what that is like. I have gone through that pain far too many times. (I have always lived with cats. One of my non-Linux hobbies is domesticating feral cats.)
If you would like another cat, I have many that need good homes. (And I am in Portland.)
Seventeen years is a lot...you will always remember him! Thanks for sharing this.
I lost two dogs the past four years, and also blogged about it...it helps in saying goodbye.
I have a cat-loving family and I called them all to read your post. We've all been moved. My son told me that he already liked linux because of Tux but now he would like it even more.
I have a very old cat right now, and I think posts like this help me get ready. Martha Stewart wrote a very touching post about losing her dog a while back:
Taupter, your comment reminded me of Mur Lafferty's vision of heaven. Her protagonist's dog plays a crucial role.
The cat I grew up with lasted until he was 19 years old. He wandered away as well. He was a black cat, half Burmese and half Siamese. The older he got the crankier he got. He meant a lot to me. I had him since he was a kitten and grew up with him. He helped raise my daughter. He died about 15 years ago. I still miss him, even though I have had many many cats since then.
He was also the smartest cat I have ever seen. He understood how doorknobs worked. He knew that if you pressed up and down on the electric can opener, someone would come and feed him. (And if they didn't, then you just had to knock it on the floor and they would come running anyways.) Lots of stories about him. Lots of memories.
Cats are important.
Really sorry to hear that. The cat seemed to be old, probably because he felt it was time for him, and then he just left and found his final place.
Oddly, my cats do the same thing. They get old, sick, and despite vet visits, they one day either disappear or walk out in the road and get hit by a car, even though they've never been near the road. I've had some 'Hall of Fame' cats over the decades, so I know how you feel.
In our family we usually seem to sell our pets before they get that old, so someone else can see them die and we may never find out about it. Is our black lab dead? Maybe not. Are our quaker parrot and green cheeked conure dead? Maybe not.
The thing is, newts and parakeets don't last long enough to do that with.
My mother's cat was old and of poor health; she came down to visit us all, one evening, including my girlfriend of the time, and then she went out into the woods and never came back.
Animals always know.
I'm sorry for your loss, Linus.
I have cat too, and cat is much more friendly animal than snake...lol
He Linus, long time no speak, nice that you have a blog now.
A 17+ its a very good age for a cat. Having 6 cats and a dog myself, I know how it feels to lose a companion like that. Becaus that is what they become, not just a pet or an animal you take care of, they become part of your family.
A member of your family has dies, mourn him, cherise him and remember all the good things he brought you.
We lost a dear, dear friend that looked much like yours, a year ago this past July. Hercules developed a type of cancer that could not be treated. We miss him so much! Sometimes I think he is still with us somehow, maybe in the spirit of the little female kitten we rescued when we felt ready to go on without him. It surprised me how much it hurt to lose him.
I had a cat get picked up by an owl one time, quite sad. randi walked off to die in peace alone, i believe.
my condolences.
im just wondering..
why did you name your male cat with a female name? ;)
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I expect a Penguin ......... but here i found only a cat !![:p]
I have six cats at home and I am allergic to them : ))
but I love them all.. four of them are newly born
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G'day Linus,
Years ago I had a very old cat named Kitton who had come down with the flu.
He walked away and the neighbours found him.
You cannot really put into words the feelings that you feel, they say time heals all wounds, but sometimes I wonder if it does.
I am sorry for your loss.
At the edge of death, cats usually went away and never came back.
I had a really beautiful cat one day. He came to 20, and one day he disappeared.
I found him, hidden and dead. One of the saddest day of my life.
A blog in English language. Good!!!
I´m sorry for your cat.
Poor little kitty; saying hello is always easier than goodbye. Linus you should visit http://icanhascheezburger.com it will cheer you up. :)
I'm sorry to hear about your kitty, Linus.
My cat Sushi passed away almost to the day of Nov. 9 at the age of almost 19.
It is very strange how cats behaves when they know they are going to die. They leave the home/family and goes to somekind piecefully place where they spend their last moments alone.
Cats and Elephants takes the dead someway very different ways than other animals.
Cats brings us lots of happiness and context in our lifes, and when they dies, you really start missing the "one person" of family.
Sympathies for your family...
Mithrandir? is that Indian name?
Linus! Say something interesting. Lazy! What do you think you're doing working on the kernel?
Poor :(
I remember my cat died a day after returning from summer holidays. He was 15+ :(
Sorry for my english...
I'm sorry for your cat Linus. Your job is AWESOME! I'm hope become as you... I'm from Colombia and I'm 13...
It's completely appropriate... Mithrandir, the Grey Wanderer, decides it's time to go, and wanders off to spare you the pain of watching him die.
This happened with me and my husband Richie. He had Multiple Myeloma, and he chose to die the day I had to attend a couple of meetings.
I got a cell phone call from him while I was between meetings, and had no idea he was saying goodbye for good until I got home. He said he just wanted to hear my voice. He did that at times, I had no clue this was the last.
I know that a spouse and a cat are hard to compare...ultimately your spouse is more important than your pet, although pets get pretty damn close. But I think your Randi made the same choice my hubby did. And it was a choice affirming their dignity and their desire to spare you added pain and suffering.
Take comfort in knowing you were loved, Linus. Because you were very loved by a very special feline.
I have two birds. One is like 15 years old. Doesn't fly so well -- I help transport him to his perch or cage. If he does fly, he crashes. Sad.
Other bird gets picked on by the old one. I put a mirror in the cage. Other bird likes mirror. Sad.
Strange thing is, other bird showed up on our back doorstep a couple years ago and literally walked inside into the cage. What are the odds of finding a stray bird. Same species even as my old bird! (Parakeet or something.)
Hi Linus,
We still have a white cat, albeit deaf. See the following link (the picture is a bit outdated but trust me he's still as white as christmas):
Mine also has the habit of waking up early and let everybody know. I hope mine will become 17+ years though...
Hey Linus,
You gave the kitty a warm place to sleep, and food and water for years. You did what you could, but animals just aren't built to live as long as us. They are a blessing, but inevitably, bring sadness when they have to leave us.
hi. i liked so much your place. could you add a translator in your blog? thank you
see you
I have long had a feeling that cats and musical instruments is more common among programmers then other. Was not suprised that you also had a cat.
Did 20 ever read "VIC Nytt" when you where a youngster?
My sympathies, Linus, and thanks for sharing what brought back a moment with Marie, my independent cat who left one day nearly 10 years ago and never came back.
She gave me a strong sense of what it means to be fully in the present moment when you are there and take the freedom to to go when you want to - I still love her for what she taught me without words.
Deepest sympathies. This post made me sad too :( Reminded me of my long lost cat's. Cat's seem to be my weakness..
That's very sad to hear. I guess Randi was that beautiful cat we can hear and see in the Linux documentary "The Code" (at Google videos). It appears first at around 5:00-5:20 .. and then again at 54:55.
I would become very sad if my cat went to die by itself somewhere I'd never find her. I'd forever search for hear.
That is such a sad post ... pets are like people, it's so upsetting when they pass on. He looked beautiful though, and at least you had a long time together.
So sorry to hear about Randi... even 2 years later, I can understand your sadness in writing the post.
Last week, after a year of rapidly declining health, we lost our cat, Dante. I'd never really had a pet as a child, and never understood how hard it can be to lose one. Now I know. I cried more over that cat than I did over my own grandmother, whom I loved. Animals really do make incredible companions.
Belated sympathies to you & your family.
So very sorry for you. We truly know how it is to lose a companion, especially after 17 years.
I have empathy for you regarding your pet cat. We had a seal point siamese cat for the same length of time - 17 years. In the end, his kidneys were failing and I had the most difficult task of taking him to the vet. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I don't believe the scientific gurus who claim animals don't have personalities. Ours certainly did and oftentimes, he was quite amusing with his pecularities.
Enjoyed your blog.
what a sweet looking kitty. I had an old dog that walked away like that a long time ago--and it took me like forever to get over it. She's been gone ten or eleven years, I guess, and I still dream about her sometimes.
Much love for kitties. <3
I understand your sadness. It has been 8 years (Oct 18) that my own sweet kitty has been gone. I still get teary eyed about her.
I'm really sorry to hear about Randi.
Your post made me think about one of my cats, who would cry incessantly at different hours of the day for no apparent reason. I might have to bring him to the vet for some labs.
Thanks to this post, Randi's memory will live on in the hearts of many.
Your post made me so sad as we just had our beloved Cleo put to sleep aged 19. You never forget them, thats how it should be, but concentrate on all the happy times and be glad.
It is sad when you lose something so precious, one of cats Teddy a siamese disappeared not long after we moved into our new home and has never returned, there was evidence of his precenes in a barn up the road ( dead animals and his brother and picked up on his scent) but we don't think he will ever come back ( but sitll hold our hope for it) We have tow new additions but nothing will ever replace him, we had already lost his cousin also to Liver failure many years before so I can understand your loss and take no notice of the inane comments about your post.
Sorry about Randi.
As a cat lover, I know Randi is in Cat Heaven, chasing mice and sitting in the warm sun.
Oh, poor Randi...how sad!
I am so sorry. :(
Aw. There is an old book called Life of a Cell and it talks about how death is going on all around us, all the time. It is somehow a comforting read, circle of life, etc.
Found you on blogs of note. (Three cats here).
Oh this reminded me of my precious, wise, handsome old man, Sterling. He was 18 when he passed away earlier this year from kidney failure. My heart hurts with you.
i am sorry for your loss and totally understand how sad you must be. i have lost pets one too many times but everytime just feels like the first time. one cat that i have now (2 years old) have just been diagnosed with feline leukemia virus and i cant bear the thought of losing him.
Two things that are guaranteed to bring tears to my eyes—remembering Mo, my favourite pet. Sadly he was poisoned, overuse of pesticides by an uneducated neighbour, he didn't mean any harm.
The other is writing about someone who isn't with us anymore.
It's only natural. You're human.
De tout cœur avec vous.
I know how you feel. My cat just died not too long ago.
awww.. .Im sorry about that.
I don't know what Id do if my Sebastian walked away.
besides cry :/
I am sorry to hear that.
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When they've died, I've missed some of my cats more than some of my relatives. I can empathize with your loss.
Randi looks so much like our cat Mr. Snowball. He was a big baby, but we loved him. And we miss him.
My sympathy..
I lost my white cat last November 18 too. I didn't know if he is still alive right now. But he is just 9 months old. You can check out my write up: http://filipinocats.blogspot.com/2008/11/cats-they-come-and-go.html
On my own experience, cats come and go.. and I think, letting go is one of the hardest things to do.
i suddenly remember my beloved cat HB..he was so sick at that time and then one day he went out and never came back..i still feel sad whenever i remember him..but i believe he's happy right now =)
I lost both my parents within 10 months of each other, that was 4 years ago.I still had their chow CJ. I had to put her to sleep earlier this year she had cancer and heart worms which did not help the fact she was 14 years old. It was one of the hardest things i ever did. It felt like losing a piece of mom and dad.
I know I'm a bit late here. But, I recently lost a cat to renal failure as well. However, I didn't physically lose him, he's in the backyard. I so feel for you. I get by, by thinking how wonderful his life was when he was healthy. Otherwise, my heart is broken. Lots of love :)P
what a cute cat
Кошки и коты часто так делают...
Если ей было 17 лет, то возможно она ушла куда-нибудь умирать.
Linus i'm sorry to learn about Randy...i've had pets since childhood and understand the pain of separation...my prayers will always be with Randy for his moksha
take care
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