Sunday, November 30, 2008

The incredible shrinking wetsuit

So I was in Maui the last week, doing my best to spend as much time under-water as possible, given the constraint that I also had to at least occasionally meet up with my family for dinners etc.

And I got in a solid lucky thirteen tanks, with the added bonus that I don't think I had a single dive where I came up with less than 1200psi. Which means that I'm definitely no longer the person that forces other divers to come up early due to being low on air. Woot!

So I was being good and sporty all week, but despite that, roughly half-way through the trip, I noticed that I had a much easier time fitting in the ML (male large) suit than the MM (male medium) ones.

And it wasn't just one of them that had shrunk - I checked a couple just to be sure. The suits that were a perfectly good fit on Saturday had suddenly shrunk and become tight by Wednesday.

It's magic, I tell you. Magic. The wetsuit-fairy is out to get me.


Unknown said...


Gedece said...

Something similar happened to me recently. A coworker took some photos in the new office with his brand new camera, and I found that this new kind of lenses make me look fat.

It's not us, Linus, it's the world conspiring against us to make us think something that's not true.

Dave Airlie said...

yeah my wetsuit as slowly been shrinking, when I bought it was a neat fit, I have issues getting into it for some reason now.

I think its time to buy a nice semi-dry.

Tom said...

You spend too much time on penguin stuff.

Your body wants to adapt :P

Paul Mohr said...

I seems odd that there might be a creeping Russian meme of Frist P0st from /. to Linus. I have been in the waters of Maui and I am a little jealous,even if you are trying to compete with the whales. The Caribbean can be very nice too, if it is not hurricane season.

Unknown said...

You deserve a nice vacation in paradise. The work you did, (in Assembler) no less, has changed an industry. (Or you were instrumental in the effort, a key initiator.)

Linus,just wondering. How does it feel to know, that you wil go down in history as a Lengend. As someone that changed the way people think and use software?

You know, you will not see this, you have to DIE before you can become a LEGEND.

But, you will. Your not just a geek, sir. You are a living legend.

Anyways, glad you got the exercise.

pdusen said...

Matt: Could you please be a little more melodramatic?

Robin said...

The shrinking always seem to happen to my pants and shirts. Or is that me growing? Nah, i'll blame it on shrinking...

zrr said...

Just start doing your exercises every morning before you go for breakfast (30 Min on workdays). You said your dad was good in exercising as well. You should follow that example ;) and your wife's example as well - of course.

Emma Caroline said...

How intelligent.

Lynne said...

Better a shrinking wetsuit than a speedo!

Anonymous said...
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natalie said...

very entertaining!
I liked the entry
I can envision you swimming etc

Jesse said...

That's why when buying wetsuits always buy a size bigger. It will shrink down and fit you snug afterwards. I've had the same problem in the past and figured out that would fix it.

Or you can look at some specific brands of wet-suits that wont do that. Some of those being O'neil and Billabong

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philip.mather said...
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philip.mather said...

I picked two pairs of trousers up in a shop the other day, one my "right" size and another in the size above, proceeded into the changing room and was pleased to find that the smaller pair fitted. After removing them I then noticed that the label on the hanger was wrong and the trousers were in fact both the next, "wrong", size up.
Turns out it was in fact me who ate all the pies.

Maikel Gädker said...

What should i say?
My 3 years drysuit and my 5 years old wetsuit didn't fit as they did in days before I became an IT-Systemmanager.
Must be job related! :(

Anonymous said...

I digg scuba diving!

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