Saturday, July 4, 2009


It's the 4th of July, the kids are out playing, Tove's at the mall, and I'm following my new toy as it crawls across the map of the US towards me, courtesy of UPS tracking and google maps.

This fall, we'll go for two scuba trips: in addition to our yearly week in Hawaii, Tove is treating me to a week in Belize. Because I only turn 40 once, I'm told. Little does she know that if that trip turns out successful, I'm planning on turning forty the year after too!

Anyway. In preparation of all this, my new toy is a dive computer, and it should arrive in a few days. I always just rent all my gear, and as a result on some dives I then end up following the dive master like a dog on a leash because I don't carry my own computer. The divers who know what they are doing always like feeling like everybody keeps track of their own nitrogen levels.

But I will be leashed no more. Paraphrasing Braveheart: "They may paint my butt blue, but they'll never take our Freedom". Or something like that. I never actually saw the movie.

Of course, the trips are months away, and in the meantime I'll just have to amuse myself by taking long baths with my toy. Once it arrives. I may be turning 40, but that doesn't mean I can't act like a little child. I may not live the dream, but I can dream the life.

Am also considering taking a Nitrox course. Just because. Because that way I'll have more buttons I can press, and modes I can set, on my new toy. Anybody got suggestions on places that do that around Portland?


Anton said...

Could it be a Suunto dive computer?

Andrew Gerrand said...

You should definitely do the Nitrox course if you're planning on doing any dives between 20-30 metres. At that depth, Nitrox can increase your no-decompression limits hugely, allowing you to spend a lot more time looking at cool stuff!

Linus said...

Anton: but of course. I'm Finnish. How could I ever buy anything but Suunto? Besides, even apart from the Finnish angle, they have a good reputation.

I'd love to get one of the air-integrated models (wireless, too), but I don't dive enough for that to really make sense. So I went with the lowly Gekko.

Jesse said...

You could invest in just a reg setup with the wireless air integrated computer. I have one and love it. Wrist mounted so I have less hoses (and drag). It's nice having your own reg too. The better ones usually breathe easier than the rentals.

Have fun! My next trip is Australia to dive the Great Barrier Reef :-)

Fitoria said...

come to Nicaragua :-)

Dave Airlie said...

I've had one of the Suunto with the intergrated air for a few years now, great gadget, but yes unless you are doing a lot of diving and own your own regulator set its not that useful.

Rental places don't always appreciate you hopping out the alan keys and lots of rental regs don't have two HP ports or one HP port is awkward to get, and no matter how go having an integrated dive computer is I always like to keep the physical pressure gauge connected for backup.

I have the rest of my own gear now, but granted its hardly seen a day out since baby came along.

Anonymous said...

So does that computer run Linux?

JL said...

I dive with a Gekko. It's a cool computer and there's a hacked firmware that makes it appear to be a Vyper. That means you can connect it to your PC and download your dives into the Suunto dive log manager thing. Then you can upload your profiles onto your iPhone and show it off.

nrmrvrk said...

I dive with an older D3 that does the basics (depth, time, timer, temp) and use an old "brass and glass" pressure gauge. I dove with a computer for my first year but didn't like the battery problem. My pressure gauge never dies. :)

I know a great Nitrox instructor in the SF bay area (no help, right?) but overall the Nitrox course is mostly common sense and kind of a waste of money. Learn how to do PO2 calculations and dive Nitrox like air down to 35m.

The NDL tables are incredibly conservative and based on very old US Navy dive tables. Look at Decoplanner software if you get a chance and want to go deeper into the calculations.

J. Martini said...

A computer and nitrox can really help you get the most value of a trip.

If you want to try out your toys in something other than a pool, head up to Seattle on the weekend and dive puget sound. Seeing as how you are turning 40, you shouldn't mind possibly destroying your remaining sperm by having your balls freeze through completely in the sound.

My rule for diving. If the water isn't warm, clear, and calm, I am probably not in it. Belize is a good spot for that style of diving.

alvaro said...

Hey Linus, there is an open source dive computer:

perhaps you can get one of these for free ;)

J. Martini said...

An open source dive computer makes sense for your extremely tech types who want to adjust the numbers based on their own fitness, tolerances, and mixes.

A Suunto is the Lexus of dive computers. Well made, built to last, and pretty much just runs with occasional service checks.

When you are down at 100 feet as a recreational diver, you don't want to be beta testing your own software. There is a dive in Belize called "the Blue Hole" where you go down to 130. You are on vacation, and just want to relax.

alvaro said...

>An open source dive computer makes
>sense for your extremely tech types
>who want to adjust the numbers
>based on their own fitness,
>tolerances, and mixes.

I agree 100% with you. It's like the Linux OS, designed only for hackers who want to adjust everything. For important uses we have Windows, the Lexus of the operating systems. (/ironic)

Ivan Vučica said...

...but does it run Linux? >: )

U. Guess said...

alvero you idiot!
windows is the burning car on the highway that you you have to make a detour around as you go to work. its the same car that rear ended you and ruind your bumper and trunk and ultimatly caused the end toi your summer is the 20 year old clunker at the used car lot.

linux is the lamborgini the ferari and the lexus of the oses. its the good driver that helps you outafter your car stalled or crashed. its that coveted lamborghini and its free and yours too with out any cost too. the good drivers in the great coumity will help you out and save your os even if its at near death from a hard drive failure.

linux comes out supreame from the areana. regarldless of how big te players are.

keep that in mind

Anonymous said...

About SUUNTO, and NOKIA s well. - We Finns (incl. me) are riding on high horses in the internet, aren't we. And THAT is pathetic! (BTW never seen Mr. Torvalds doing it...)

Brett said...

I'm a Divemaster at Adventure Sports in Gresham, OR. We can set you up with a nitrox course. There's no pool or open water. There's several other reputable shops in PDX as well, they're all mostly good.

Unknown said...

Speaking of getting nitrox cert, a couple of things to watch for:

Sometimes shops have buy-in-advance cards that will get you a cheaper rate on nitrox.

You'll learn to always check your mix before going out. One time I asked for 40% O2, and the tank was 100% O2 when I got it--they forgot to top it with air. It could have led to a fatal event if I didn't bother to check anything. Don't trust anybody except yourself. And only trust-but-verify yourself. :)

Finally, I recommend the book "Diving Physiology In Plain English" by Jolie Bookspan.

Richard Brenne said...


I just moved back to Portland. I produce worldwide events (okay, so far the U.S. and Canada, our national sidecar) about climate change, peak oil and related species-wide concerns (including species loss).
My friend and collaborator Bruce Oreck was just made ambassador to Finland (as maybe Barack's biggest fundraiser he got a plum - if he'd raised less he was threatened with Pakistan) and we're planning one of our world-class town meetings in Helsinki so I'm trying to learn all things Finnish (I've travelled throughout Finland, love it, and have on my panelist list friends like Bill McKibben, also an unreasonably enthusiastic Nordic skier). I'm wondering if I might learn your e-mail to bother you more and consider you as a panelist if you're interested. My name is Richard Brenne and I'm at Most people wear steel-toed boots when talking to me, because of my shameless name-dropping.

Edzone said...

4th of July is a time to spend with your family. I stayed at home playing with my kids.

Demented Chihuahua said...

Well, since it seems like no one else answered your question...least not that I saw...

There is a dive shop out in Milwaukee:
Steve's Scuba Shop
13811 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd. Milwaukie Oregon

I know they do PADI cert for Nitrox. Never taken the class with them--got my card at Oregon Institute of Technology--but they are friendly, clean, laid back, and not into computers so they probably won't know who you are. A plus I would imagine, or is that just me?

Anyway, hope that helped.


bumlare said...

For the holidays you'll need to pick up a few bioscience books, right?

Here is one:

Anonymous said...

Come to Romania, to the Draculas Castle :) :) Its fun.

Joshua said...

For what it's worth, my understanding is that nitrox cert is not that complicated; you could probably get it in a morning while you're on vacation. You might have to do a dive on nitrox to show the various effects (oh no! a dive, while you're on vacation! what could be worse?), but most of those places will really be quite happy to extract more cash from you for training.

If you're really into that sort of thing, you might want to consider picking up your advanced open-water; I got mine in Rockport, MA, through East Coast Divers. It was quite chilly indeed, but after that, I felt a whole lot more comfortable in the water, and I felt like I had a much greater understanding of my limitations.

Bérna said...

Hi Linus,
I'm a Nitrox instructor... as very big thank you (and a way to give back to the comunity -> you dive longer -> you are happier -> you code even better) I'd be more then glad to give you a free (as in beer) course :)
You should just come to Borneo or Switzerland.. your pick :)


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I do not know if this interview was his real or false, I will respond. Here in his blog, why not have your email. In the interview it said that you said that over the years and updates the Linux Kernel was heavy and slow.
This is normal, with the evolution of hardware the software tends to be
increasingly complex and therefore slower.

His interview comes to a reduction of 12% in
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For 10 years the hardware was approximately 31 times faster
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I do not think this is cause for concern. Prefer a kernel
fuller and heavier than an incomplete and fast.
Sorry my mistakes of English, I live in the south of Brazil, I have 25 years and watch your words

Tiarlis Kochenborger said...

I do not know if this interview was his real or false, I will respond. Here in his blog, why not have your email. In the interview it said that you said that over the years and updates the Linux Kernel was heavy and slow.
This is normal, with the evolution of hardware the software tends to be
increasingly complex and therefore slower.

His interview comes to a reduction of 12% in
performance in 10 years!
For 10 years the hardware was approximately 31 times faster
(assuming that every 2 years performance doubles), ie, 3100%
(three thousand, one hundred percent).

I do not think this is cause for concern. Prefer a kernel
fuller and heavier than an incomplete and fast.
Sorry my mistakes of English, I live in the south of Brazil, I have 25 years and watch your words

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