Eventually this might even contain some Torvalds family pictures.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Penguins on parade
I don't always dress in a T-shirt and jeans. Sometimes people give me awards, and I dress like a penguin instead. Here's a shout-out for the computer history museum.
..Are those fake or did they go out and murder innocent flowers? That is, I was going to ask what kind they were, but then 'plastic' became the most likely candidate in my mind...
...evidently that thing you're holding has something to do with martinis? I've never seen one of those before, but it looks cool..
Quirinius: you are correct, that's a tailcoat and should be worn with a white tie.
However, it was a black tie event, and so I ended up rather looking like a waiter than buck the trend. Most people wouldn't notice the difference between tails and a tuxedo, and I don't own a tux.
Well I just think it is excellent that you have received an award. Linux totally ROCKS. Thanks for the concept, Linus. Without it there would not be any computers worth turning on.
just reading yr blog I said to husband this guy likes linux his name is linus torvald i like finnish stuff moominpapa "all nice things are good for you" and the winter war finfans. he said he is linux haha oh so dumb just want to say try golf have a lesson hit a lotta of balls and go out in the evening by yourself it is scuba of the air.
Gollies, what a nice looking man you are. Although I can understand wanting to wear jeans & sweatshirts most of the time. American here, hubby is Nowegian, (Everson) his ancestors came from Norway 2 generations removed. Nice people but very talkative. You surprise me in your blog. Interesting fellow you are. Cheers Fran
Sorry, didn't edit my comment, I mean't he doesn't talk a whole but when he does is much appreciated. Of course I don't even know what Liniux is. I am very much a amateur puter operator. Plus I don't know how to put my blogs into an area where other people can read them and communicate with them. Not just the blogs of note but all of them. Ordinary people are interesting. Thanks for listening. Fran aka Windancer
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Hello Linus Torvalds, I'm a spanish living in Helsinki. It was funny to see you last week in a interview in Finnish TV. My girlfriend was translating to me, I don't talk finnish so fluently.You are a smart guy, make me laugh. Journalists are not prepared for receiving direct replies without "diplomacy wrap up".
One fast question, today has started to snow here en Helsinki and I make some random photos in Ruoholahti (I'm working in a recent startup drupro.fi). Came to my mind: There is any relationship between TUX and logo of valiöjäätelo? I know that u will not reply, but was fun to try. David www.corbacho.info
Hi Linus,
Why do they have you making martinis?
nice suit!
You look quite formal in that! Hehehe! =)
You look nice.
..Are those fake or did they go out and murder innocent flowers? That is, I was going to ask what kind they were, but then 'plastic' became the most likely candidate in my mind...
...evidently that thing you're holding has something to do with martinis? I've never seen one of those before, but it looks cool..
Mazel Tov! Linus. ;)
Don't panic! ;-)
I hope, events like this is very rare in your life.
And... take congratulations from Russian Linux users. Thank you.
shhhh! don't show this pic. to 007.. he might choose to imitate the style in his next movie ;-)
oh! Does Tuve call you as "Pinguin"?
haha pinguin man jaja.... cheers Linus
Hehe, Lord of the penguins...
All I can say is that you are looking adminirably slim.
And what you hold in your hands, I gather, is a miniature nuclear reactor? :)
You are just cool in that suite, pretty different from other geeks, hah~ :-)
Greetings from Portugal! :)
You mean you hack in jeans and not like a penguin?
Penguin-style but still very very Linux-spirited :-)
Ahora sé en que se inspiraron para el logo de linux ;)
That is totally Gimp'd!
Just kidding... Dude Linus.. you look out of your element in this picture. I mean there is like no ice anywhere.
Love your blog!
Awe, somehow I had this picture of a huge black penguin with a yellow beak costume in my head... a little disappointed now. Maybe next time? ;-)
keep blogging Tux ;)
Linus, why are you wearing a *black* tie on a white-tie-suit?! Totally incorrect!
Hi Linus,
I love your geeky humor!
Greeting from Germany,
You have put Bond to shame. Cool Martini shaker
very beautiful!
Quirinius: you are correct, that's a tailcoat and should be worn with a white tie.
However, it was a black tie event, and so I ended up rather looking like a waiter than buck the trend. Most people wouldn't notice the difference between tails and a tuxedo, and I don't own a tux.
I realize it's not proper. I'm bad.
Well I just think it is excellent that you have received an award. Linux totally ROCKS. Thanks for the concept, Linus. Without it there would not be any computers worth turning on.
Everyone, it seems, dressed for the occasion http://www.flickr.com/photos/mkrigsman/2993846564/
It is beautiful to receive an award. Good for you that you've done a lot for us. I invited you to my blog, I write in Spanish.
You definitely have my vote if the penguin is the next batman villain ;)
Kinda Random Place To Post
But THANKYOU!!!!!!!
Your Kernel Has Improved My Live SOOOOO Much!!! (Like The Suit!)
You Truly Are Genius
hahaha, is my first time that i can see formal linus.
cheers from El Salvador!!!
just reading yr blog I said to husband this guy likes linux his name is linus torvald i like finnish stuff moominpapa "all nice things are good for you" and the winter war finfans. he said he is linux haha oh so dumb just want to say try golf have a lesson hit a lotta of balls and go out in the evening by yourself it is scuba of the air.
Gollies, what a nice looking man you are. Although I can understand wanting to wear jeans & sweatshirts most of the time. American here, hubby is Nowegian, (Everson) his ancestors came from Norway 2 generations removed. Nice people but very talkative. You surprise me in your blog. Interesting fellow you are. Cheers Fran
Sorry, didn't edit my comment, I mean't he doesn't talk a whole but when he does is much appreciated. Of course I don't even know what Liniux is. I am very much a amateur puter operator. Plus I don't know how to put my blogs into an area where other people can read them and communicate with them. Not just the blogs of note but all of them. Ordinary people are interesting. Thanks for listening. Fran aka Windancer
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