Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"13744 supplied"

Yeah, I'm not talking about the number of burgers McD supplies each second or anything like that. No, I'm talking about our fully automatic coffee maker. I just did a cleaning cycle, and ended up looking up what the coffee count was.

I may have an addiction problem.

Now, admittedly this is a coffee maker that we've had for something like 8 years, but that's still 4.7 doubleshots of coffee supplied every day for those eight years (you can ask for a single or a double, and the counter just counts "events").

Ok, I lie. The coffee maker counts the different types of coffee it makes separately, and "only" about two thirds of the events are actually double-shots. But I make that up by still supporting Starbucks (and Peet's) enough to make up the difference. And Tove accounts for about half, so when I say that I have an addiction problem, I should probably have said "we".

So every time I see some piece of medical research saying that caffeine is good for you, I high-five myself. Because I'm going to live forever.


  1. In Brazil, we don't count in shots anymore. Liters sounds better. At least fits better for our coffee addiction.

  2. nah - i'd only be concerned if you manage to actually overflow the event counter. ;-)

    if it's 16-bit, that should only take another 30 years or so... or only 11 if it's signed - in which case you'll have drunk yourself deep into negative territory, immediately losing all the health benefits you've accumulated. :(

  3. Well ... that's about 2 coffees per day per person. That doesn't seem very much. I drink my first 2 coffees before 10AM every day (and another 2-3 during the day).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. which machine is this? i never had a coffee machine last for 8 years...

  6. Juan: it's a Jura-Capresso S9. And yes, I decided to go for the high-end models, exactly because my previous coffee makers had all broken down after a few months.

    The alternative would be a manual machine (some of those things are built like tanks and will last forever), but let's face it - I may be a coffee lover, but I'm not a lover of _making_ coffee.

    Some people go for the whole coffee experience, and like the grinding, tamping, careful timing, etc. Not me.

    I want my machine to wake up on its own in the morning, so that I can just press a single button to get my coffee fix. Without having to wait for it to heat up etc.

    Because let's face it, early in the morning is exactly the wrong time to feel artistic about your coffee. In the afternoons I could imagine some serious lovingly hand-crafted thing.

  7. I have an addiction problem too. I Usually have 5 to 6 cup of coffee everyday. So, I have an stomachache and a couple of days ago saw a doctor. Caffeine is sometimes good but not always I think.

  8. Bah, my coffee machine's been up and running for almost 30 years. It's called... A TEASPOON. And I put 3 spoonfuls of instant coffee in the mug. 4-5 mugs every day. You don't impress me, Mr. Torvalds :D.

    Oh, wait, I still have to write an OS... damn...

  9. When I saw the topic, I immediately thought you were talking about the 2.6.35 release. 0x020635 = 132661. So, no, I was off by an order of magnitude. But I see a big number that starts with 13, and that is what I immediately think.

  10. @Mingos: Bärks! You really should try a real coffee. Made out of freshly milled coffebeans and pressurized, hot water forced through them (and not dripped through a paper filter).

    It's a total different coffee-taste experience and not at all comparable to instant coffee. Instant coffee. Bärks ... ;-)

  11. I house sit for some one recently who had a coffee making machine that comes on w/ a timer... and it took me forever to figure out how to work it. Let's just say I wasn't successful. I don't even drink coffee on a regular basis, so I guess that is my excuse.

  12. Well, you cannot hide your origins, you are a Finn after all :-)

    I personnaly don't drink coffee, but thinking that you created git while drinking those 13744 coffees ... well ... I might be converted soon ;-)

  13. Heavens! What an ugly number! (For a coffee count, that is.)
    Why don't you drink tea? Tea's got theanine, mmmmmmmmm!!! All you have to do in the morning is make yourself a mug of black tea with no sugar (and no milk) & on goes your brain, with O.S. or without!
    Give up your coffee addiction NOW! Time for a change - start a new one! ;-)
    Or well, you could try decaf & visit this site http://decafme.org/ ...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. My name is Bartek and iam coffeeholic too ...

  16. If for a few days I get significant intakes of caffeine and then stop completely I get severe headaches reaching nausea. The only way I found out to get rid of those is a "sufficient" intake of caffeine. Yes, its effects on me are similar to drug addiction.

  17. "It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that the thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion." - Espresso Fiends of Dune

  18. I used to take a lot of coffe too, much more than that. Now I have an arrythmia and cannot take it any more.

    Be careful with that machine.

  19. I use a french press. Hard to find the big 60oz ones. No coffee maker I have ever found will make it strong enough. (I have been banned for making coffee at a couple of places for making it the consistency of sludge, as well as many coffee machine buffer overflows.)

    Don't listen to the anti-caffeine forces. They only want to slow down the release cycle. (I guess the caffeine addiction explains why 2.6.35 went from RC6 directly to release.)

  20. I really like coffee, except for how large quantities essentially make me insane.

  21. I have an addiction too: I learn Linux things every day and it never stops...!

  22. I'll be living forever right along with you (and ... umm... of course my espresso machine "giovanni").

  23. Jura-Capresso S9 $2,397 new? o.O Talk about devotion.

    How much did you pay for your last desktop? =P

  24. here in mexico we have some of the best coffee, a friend is a distributor and as you can imagine i'm also an addict, it makes my brain work when coding in front of the keyboard

  25. Pratar du svenska? Isåfall vill jag bara säga att jag tycker Linux är det bästa sedan skivat bröd.

  26. "Some people go for the whole coffee experience, and like the grinding, tamping, careful timing, etc. Not me."

    I bet that says something deep and meaningful about your personality. But I guess I'll just leave that to the philosophers.

  27. I had 25 years of bipolarity til I stopped drinking coffee over stomach issues. Go figure.

  28. "about two thirds of the events are actually double-shots." - assuming the other third is single shots, that is about 22906.6..... shots, of which half is accountable on Linus' part, so 11453.3..... shots. Average of just over 3.9 a day. That's about 294mg caffeine. That under the recommendation (up to 300mg/day), and under average for USA (350mg/day). Linus is fine.

  29. you are welcome to enjoy our somewhat outdated (now number of cans at least 50% larger) exposition of espresso coffee can structures (cans collected by our lab with 4-5 coffee addicts): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2886469&id=8360857&l=256d9ecdfb

  30. it's not addiction until you start chewing spare coffee beans till the coffee is being brewed in the machine.

  31. You _should_ high five yourself more often, because you _will_ live forever; it has nothing to do with coffee though, sorry ...

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hej Linus, gäst talare på Svenska Linuxföreningen IRL träff 2010? Intresserad? Hör gärna av dig kan jag informera mer.


  34. Linus why are you not using a Linux powered coffee maker ?



  35. Starbucks!? Peet's?! You know, Stumptown is the best coffee outside of Europe. Try a Stumptown latte, then we'll talk addictions. Its so good Its better than heroine.
