...because it looks like we figured out what the suspend/resume problem was. And as suspected, the actual resource code had nothing what-so-ever to do with it, and was apparently just a trigger for timing.
It's frustrating with bugs like that, but on the other hand it's then a big relief when it gets resolved, and in this case we also ended up going through a lot of code and I think we'll be much better off as a result. It's also a huge relief to find the actual root cause, rather than seeing things that can be used to paper over and hide the problem.
And kudos to the people who actually saw the problem (Rafael and Frans), and who spent a lot of time trying out different things and sending out logs and looking at the resource allocation. The real clue was in a log from a successful suspend/resume cycle that showed some questionable behaviour despite not actually failing.
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Congrats and thanks for your hard work to ensure a better product! These tricky, little problems, though they may be limited to a quantitatively few, can be a great discouragement to those affected. Reminds me when a certain wireless card of mine wasn't being recognized but then a patch came out and completely resolved the issue; it made my day.
All I can do is say "Thank you!"
So that's what I do. Give yourself a little treat!
Hello, not to sound ignorant, but which kernel release shall this patch be included in?
LimbClock: it's too late to hit the 2.6.28 release (the fix is fairly small, but very invasive), so it will go in early in the 2.6.29 merge window.
If there are no problems it would then possibly get back-ported to one of the 2.6.28.x stable trees.
As someone who uses Linux professionally in safety-critical products, and as a programmer who has Linux on his primary work notebook, I want you to know how grateful I am for especially that kind of work. Linux has matured immensely over the past 5 years. Everytime I see a linux box in an airport's server room, I can't help but smile. Linux is certainly not perfect in any way, but it's coming along very well.
Also, for what it's worth, I regularly hear my colleagues course at their (windows) notebooks because there seems to be an odd problem with XP in our rollout not being able to resume at all...
...oh yes, the old religious argument again. But don't worry, I'll stop now ;)
Wishlist for 2.7 (or 2.8):
x) Kernel updates without reboot (without needing KSplice)
x) RAM doubler
x) "cp" for CPU cores
x) /dev/coffee
x) RFC 2549-compliant wlan support.
Linus: 1
Bug: 0
Fixing a bug like this in two days is a great job.
I've always thought there are many hells, but the worst of all is debugging a bad hash algorithm.
However, I've changed my mind. Remotely debugging a resume failure is worse.
hey Linus, Nice too see you over here. come to my blog and let a comment. seria un honor para mi. maybe can use the google languaje tool and read a bit of what I write. Welcome to Blogsphere!!
Great Linus,
that is the sort of bug that is not really visible but can stop a lot of to be linux users from making the switch expecially with most of my colleagues and friends nowadays optin in for a netbook or notebook rather than a full blown desktop pc.
Great work by you and the other people working on that bug.
Greetings from a happy Linux user (this beig typed and send via wireless connection from an ubuntu asus eeepc ;) )
Hello, I found your blog from the blogger.com frontpage. If you want to enjoy the new year holiday with different culture, try visiting Surakarta Indonesia, The Spirit of Java.
btw, is this really the blog of Linus Torvald who discover linux?
Will the 2.6.29 release be rolled out through Ubuntu Update or something like that or will I have to compile it myself (my computer didn't like last time I tried...)?
We're in your debt (as usual, it seems) :)
Just received the kernel update via usual automatic update system (Ubuntu Intrepid). It's pretty small and undoubtedly handy. Thank you, Linus =)
Arch Rocks(H)
Congrats ! Now I need to find out a way to make RFKILL working on the EEE PC :)
Wow.. Seems that ur good in computer stuff.
Lol so if i have any computer problems I can ask u right?
Anyway if u have time, come thingsarelikethat.blogspot.com
@ Nick
Thanks Man, You just made me laugh hehe...
Greetings ;)
It's about time. It's a shame that the founder of Linux had to get involved to fix a bug that has plagued laptop users for quite a while. But at least you get an incredible rush when you realize that you just slodged your way through something that would bring most people to their knees.
Now to wait for Ubuntu to move the new kernel down the stream....
Glad you got it worked out!
kari & kijsa
Great work you and your team is doing.
Many thanks to Rafeal and Frans form my side.
I love Linux for this matter. Peeps die to work. So me 2 love to keep my hands on kernel asap. Lol kernel is huge.... :O
We have the technology to enable you to debug underwater. BRB, shark ...
This bug probably affected me too, and so I thank you very, very much for nailing it. Esteemed Minister of The Kernel, rock on.
Tack så jättemycket för det Linus!! Det är verkligen på tiden att det blir någon ordning på Suspend/hibernate. Det här kommer i rättan tid, jag ska precis köpa en laptop.
Hoppas du kommer till Göteborg någon gång, tills dess: Happy Hacking!
Just posting this to enable the email subscription...
sorry but about which bug are you talking about? pirast
> sorry but about which bug are you talking about? pirast
that's what i would like to know too more than anything else right now!
you can't seriously be talking about a fixed suspend/hibernate functionality in general coming with 2.6.29, right? (please say YES)
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When I read this post, I was thrilled that patch for my aging IBM R31 has finally come. After 4 years of random successes with resume, this would be THE change... tested new kernel... aaa... to no avail again...:-|. There might be another creepy buggy-bug, so I keep my hope further... Thanks for all the other fishes, anyway ;-).
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